Get Involved

Volunteers are the Heart of NSPE

Get Involved. Share Your Voice. Lend Your Wisdom. Lead.

Volunteers are essential to advancing NSPE’s vision to ensure a world where the public can be confident that engineering decisions affecting their lives are made by qualified and ethically accountable professionals.

NSPE needs your expertise and welcomes the diverse and unique perspectives of all members.

NSPE recognizes the benefits of a diverse population of licensed engineers in shaping the future of engineering. Diverse backgrounds foster unique contributions and capabilities and create an inclusive community ultimately leading to a more creative, effective, and technically respected community.
  Read more about NSPE’s commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion.

Why Volunteer?

  • Be connected – Volunteering at NSPE is a great opportunity to grow your professional network and connect with other leaders in the field.

    Show Support – Give back to the engineering community and show your support for the work of your professional society.

    Make an Impact – No matter how and where you choose to engage, your service will make a positive impact on the engineering community.

    Volunteer on your own time – There are many opportunities to engage, whether you have a little or a lot of time to give.

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What Opportunities are right for you?

  • Short Term Commitments

    Ready to get started and make a difference without making a long term commitment? There are several ways to get involved! Short-term opportunities listed below are unscheduled throughout the year. Indicating your interest through the email provided will place you in the pool of members to be contacted when an opportunity arises.

    Write an article for PE Magazine. Share your expertise and insights on industry trends, professional practice, education, ethics, leadership, licensure, public policy, DEI, and technology by serving as a guest writer for PE magazine. If interested, email

    Review annual conference presentation submissions. If interested, send an email to

    Collaborate with staff to draft/supply input on federal legislation, regulations or public comments to federal Congressional staff and committees (Identify your area(s) of vocational expertise.) If interested, send an email to

    Testify before Congressional hearings/participate in caucus briefings (Identify your area(s) of vocational expertise and previous experience giving testimony or public speaking.) If interested, send an email to

    Serve as a mentor for the Emerging Leaders Program. If interested, send an email to

    Serve as a mentor for an engineering student. If interested, send an email to

    NSPE online community champion. Virtual opportunity to promote community and sharing of ideas through NSPE’s online channels. If interested, send an email to

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    Micro Engagment Image Placeholder
  • Committees, Boards, Interest/Advisory Groups, and Task Forces

    A great way to get involved with NSPE is to serve on a committee or task force. Serving on a committee or task force gives volunteers insight into the Society’s governance and leadership as well as opportunities for collaboration with national leaders from across the country.

    The annual call for volunteer applications is typically announced in the early spring. Members will find many different opportunities to suit your interests - Learning, Advocacy, Membership, New Professionals, Technology, Women’s PE Leadership and more.

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  • Candidate Screening Committee

    The NSPE Candidate Screening Committee (CSC) supports and furthers the mission of NSPE by screening nominees for the Vice President and Treasurer positions, ensuring candidates are qualified to provide strong, focused, informed, dedicated, and committed leadership in these roles.

    The CSC is chaired by the Immediate Past-President and membership consists of one representative from each of the regions. Only Licensed Members may sit on the committee.

    Members who are interested in being considered for 2024–2025 service should contact their Regional Leadership. Questions? Contact

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  • Board of Directors

    The NSPE Board of Directors govern the organization by setting the Society’s direction, ensuring necessary resources, and providing financial, legal, and operational oversight.

    2024–2025 NSPE Vice President Nomination Information:

    Nominations for the 2024–2025 NSPE Vice President are now closed. Candidates will be announced by the end of April and will be considered for election at the House of Delegates General Assembly meeting on June 27. Contact with questions.

    2024–2026 Director Nominations

    Nominations for the following NSPE Director Positions are open.
    » Learn more about the Board of Directors nomination process and how to apply.

    » Regional Directors Nominations from Southeast, North Central, Western & Pacific Regions – Please contact your regional leadership to learn more about the nomination process or contact
    » Membership-At-Large Director - Applications are due May 10. For more information, see Call for Nominations, 2024-2026 Director, Membership-At-Large
    » Legacy Interest Group Director – Contact for more information.

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  • House of Delegates

    Serving in the House of Delegates allows PEs to help shape the future of the organization, to network with leaders from across the country, and to participate in NSPE’s governance.
    » Learn more about the House of Delegates.

    House of Delegates terms rotate from year to year. The following states/territories are up for election for the July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2026 term. Please contact your state leadership or if you are interested in being considered to serve as the 2024-26 delegate for the following states.

    AL, AR, CO, CT, GA, GU, MA, MN, MT, ND, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, PR, SC, TN, WA, WV

    Questions? Contact

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