Qualifications-Based Selection of Engineering Services: State List

New Jersey

Action on Issue: Qualifications-Based Selection of Engineering Services
Legislative/Regulatory Issue: Legislative
Legislative/Regulatory Issue Tracking Number:
Last Action:
SB 1545: Introduced and referred to Senate State Government, Wagering, Tourism & Historic Preservation Committee on 2/5/2018.
SB 1846: Introduced and referred to Senate Transportation Committee on 2/15/2018.
Additional Comments:

Under existing law, contracts for professional and technical services to be awarded by State agencies, including independent authorities, may be negotiated and awarded without being publicly advertising for bids.

SB 1545 would provide, instead, that these contracts would be subject to a competitive bidding process. Specifically, contracts for architectural, engineering, and land surveying services of local governments and school boards will be awarded pursuant to a competitive contracting process on the basis of demonstrated competence and qualifications that is similar to the process for awarding of such contracts by State agencies.

SB 1846 requires that contracts entered into by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, the Delaware River Port Authority, and the Delaware River and Bay Authority for professional services be subject to a competitive bidding process.

Specifically, the bill requires that any contract for services, which are of a technical and professional nature, including, but not limited to, architectural, engineering, and land surveying services, to be performed by a contractor that is to be awarded by the authorities shall be publicly announced prior to being awarded. Contracts for these services shall be negotiated on the basis of demonstrated competence and qualification for the type of technical and professional service required and at fair and reasonable compensation and awarded pursuant to a competitive contracting process.

NSPE and NJSPE have and will continue to work together in order to ensure QBS is maintained in New Jersey.