Licensing Fees

NSPE Position Statement No. 09-1790
July 2017
Latest Revision: 
June 2022
Sunset Date: 
July 2025
NSPE Contact: 
Board of Directors
Professional Policy Supported: 
Printable Version: 

Position Statement: It is the position of the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) that State licensing boards and governing jurisdictions should be able to charge fees to support the administration of licensing for professional Engineers.

Administration and Enforcement of licensing standards are critical to ensuring that the licensing standards protect the public health, safety, and welfare. NSPE believes that licensing fees should not be a source of taxation or structured such that the fees are themselves a barrier to entry into the profession, or to holding licensure in multiple jurisdictions.

NSPE further recommends and supports the assessment of reduced fees for individuals to be able to apply to have their license status changed to the following:

a.) Inactive status – A reduced fee should be charged for an inactive status license for those not actively performing work in a jurisdiction. Returning to active status should include a reasonable fee structure and demonstration of continuing competence or active practice in another jurisdiction.

b.) Retired status – Any licensed professional engineer, 65 or older, not actively engaged in the practice of professional engineering, should be allowed to obtain the status of retired and use the title “P.E. Ret.” for no fee or a reduced fee. In a case where the individual decides to return to the practice of Professional Engineering, they must apply to have their license reactivated.

c.) Deployed Military status - For professional engineers who serve actively in the military or whose spouse serves actively, licensing jurisdictions should make accommodations for extending renewal deadlines and requirements until 180 days after the end of active deployment outside of the United States. Also, expedited comity should be granted for military personnel or spouses relocating due to a military transfer.