Student Resources

EJCDC for Educational Uses

In an effort to assist engineering students in becoming familiar with engineering professional practice, design and construction, risk management, and other important issues, NSPE will provide sample copies of EJCDC documents to educational institutions (e.g., university engineering program faculty) upon request. For more information, please contact

Free On-Demand Courses for NSPE Student Members
Your Career Starts Here

As the latest class of engineering graduates prepares to join the work world, younger NSPE members offer career advice.

10 Top Tips on Leadership

Leadership is a complex subject. You don’t master it by going to a seminar or reading a book. The following are examples of the very best leadership advice I’ve accumulated over 30 years as a leader and consultant.

New Faces of Engineering, College Edition

This national initiative is a recognition program led by the National Engineers Week Foundation which recognizes the best and brightest third, fourth, and fifth year engineering students by highlighting their academic success and student contributions to the industry and participating engineering society. Learn more.

Resources for Students and Young Engineers Through Shop NSPE

Visit Shop NSPE online catalog for a complete listing of all resources available for students and young engineers.

NSPE Job Board

The NSPE Job Board is your resource for professional engineering employment, offering employers immediate posting and job seekers a robust search capability.

An Employment Guidelines Checklist for the Engineer Job Applicant

This checklist can help you sort out the strengths and weaknesses of potential employers you consider.

Getting Your PE

For engineers, earning a PE license is the pinnacle of professionalism. It's a mark that shows dedication and an elite level of engineering achievement.

Memo From the CEO

Advice for Young Engineers (PDF)

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