QBS Award Recipients

2022 The Illinois Department of Transportation and the Township of Smithfield, Rhode Island,
2021 The City of San Diego (State/City Government)
2021 The Idaho QBS Facilitators Council (special recognition award)
2018 Town of Buckland, MA (State Government)
2018 The US Department of State, Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations (Federal Government)
2016 Mississippi Department of Transportation
2015 No award given.
2014 Florida Department of Transportation
2013 Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority
2011 El Paso Water Utilities Public Service Board (public sector award)
2011 William J. Mielke, P.E., RLS, DEE, F.ACEC (private sector award)
2011 Delaware River & Bay Authority
2011 Kane County Department of Transportation (Merit Award)
2011 New York State Thruway Authority (Merit Award)
2011 North Texas Tollway Authority (Merit Award)
2011 San Diego County (Merit Award)
2011 Mr. Wendell Higgins (Merit Award)
2010 State of Montana Architecture & Engineering Division
2010 City of Las Vegas (Merit Award)
2010 Clark County Public Works, NV (Merit Award)
2009 Austin City, TX (Merit Award);
2009 St. Joseph City, MO (Merit Award)
2009 Ventura County, CA (Merit Award)
2007 Georgia Department of Transportation
2006 Office of the State Engineer, State of South Dakota
2005 Iowa Department of Transportation
2005 University of Connecticut
2003 Missouri Division of Design and Construction
2003 New York State Office of General Services
2002 City of Phoenix
2001 Missouri Department of Transportation
2000 City of Champaign, Illinois
2000 Jefferson County School District R-, Colorado
2000 New York State Office of General Services
2000 Omaha Public Schools (Merit Award)
2000 St. Luke's United Methodist Church, Indianapolis, Indiana (Merit Award)
2000 Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Frederick, Maryland (Merit Award)
1997 Hennepin County Department of Public Works, Minnesota
1997 City of Virginia Beach, Virginia
1997 Colorado Department of Transportation (Merit Award)
1997 Federal Highway Administration Central Federal Lands Highway Division (Merit Award)
1996 Florida Department of Transportation Monroe County, N.Y.
1995 James H. Matteson, P.E. Director of Street Transportation, Phoenix Arizona
1994 Wisconsin Department or Administration, Division of Facilities Development (WI DOFD), Madison, Wisconsin
1993 Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission, Laurel, Maryland
1992 City of St. Louis, Missouri
1991 East Baton Rouge, Louisiana
1990 City of Anchorage, Alaska
1989 City of Atlanta, Georgia
1989 City of Little Rock, Arkansas