Privacy Policy

National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) Privacy Policy

Welcome to the NSPE Mobile App!

We are committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring that your personal information is handled securely and responsibly. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, and safeguard your information when you use our mobile application.

At NSPE, we understand the importance of privacy, and we are dedicated to maintaining the confidentiality of your personal information. This Privacy Policy explains our practices regarding the collection, use, disclosure, and protection of your information in connection with our mobile app.

By downloading, installing, accessing, or using the NSPE mobile app, you consent to the terms of this Privacy Policy and agree to our collection, use, and disclosure of your information as described herein. If you do not agree with any aspect of this Privacy Policy, please do not use our mobile app.

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect changes in our practices or to comply with legal requirements. We encourage you to review this Privacy Policy periodically to stay informed about how we collect, use, and protect your information.

If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy or our practices regarding your personal information, please contact us at

What data do we collect?

In the NSPE app, event organizers may provide/upload the following attendee Information:

  • First Name
  • Middle Name
  • Last Name
  • Designations
  • Phone
  • Email
  • Attendee Profile Image (Headshot)
  • City
  • State
  • Company
  • Job Title
  • BIO

Within the app, you will have the option to edit this information, or remove yourself from being displayed in the attendee list.

Information NSPE app collects:

  • User Profile Information
    The initial information uploaded/provided by the event organizer can be accessed by you and you can edit/delete your profile information.

  • User Profile Image (headshot)
    The initial image maybe be uploaded/provided by the event organizer can be accessed by you and you can edit/delete/upload your profile image (headshot).

  • User Device Information
    When you install NSPE app, NSPE may collect your device information from your mobile device. We collect this information to help us generate app adoption analysis, enhance our product performance and monitoring.

  • Graphics and Images
    If the social posting feature is configured, users can post graphics and images in social posting. This information is strictly based on user input and can be removed based on request.

  • User App Engagement Activities
    NSPE may capture users’ app feature usage to generate engagement ranking to encourage app adoption.

Do We Use Cookies?

NSPE uses cookies (small text files placed on your device) and similar technologies to provide our websites and apps to help collect data. Cookies collect non-personal information. Cookies allow us to store your preferences and settings, improve upload process, remember you on future visits, enable you to sign-in, combat fraud, and analyze how our websites and online services are performing. NSPE app uses other identifiers, such as the mobile device information in apps, for similar purposes.

We also use web beacons to help deliver cookies and gather usage and performance data. Our websites may include web beacons and cookies from third-party service providers.

We also use web beacons to help deliver cookies and gather usage and performance data. Our websites may include web beacons and cookies from third-party service providers.

You have a variety of tools to control cookies, web beacons and similar technologies, including browser controls to block and delete cookies and controls from some third-party analytics service providers to opt out of data collection through web beacons. Your browser and other choices may impact your experiences with our products.

Why do we collect your data?

  • To personalize the event experience by tailoring event recommendations, notifications, and content based on user preferences.
  • To send event updates, notifications, promotional materials, and relevant information to users.
  • To diagnose and fix issues within our products.
  • To respond to queries or requests submitted by you.
  • To administer or carry out our obligations in relation to any agreement you have with us.
  • To provide you with information about the event that you are attending.
  • To enable app features such as “check-ins”, surveys/polls, push notifications, private in chat messaging, agenda sessions, exhibitors, and recommendations.
  • To pre-populate App fields such as conference agendas, attendee lists, exhibitor lists and location information.
  • To facilitate social sharing functionality.
  • For analytics and market research purposes to improve our services, develop new products, and launch services for other purposes.
  • To process complaints and handle disputes.
  • To anticipate and resolve problems with any products or services supplied to you.

How do we use the personal data we collect

  • Attendee List/Profile:
    If event organizers elect to show attendee list for the event, your information will be displayed in the list and attendee profile.  You do have the option to control what information to be visible to other attendees, in addition to opting out of the attendee list.

  • Attendee Profile Image (headshot)
    Based on the event setting, the attendee headshot can be displayed in the attendee list and profile.  You have the option to remove, update or upload your own headshot image.

  • Surveys/Polls/Q&A:
    After you log into the app, if you respond to surveys, polls or engage in Q&A functionalities, your information will be accessible to the event organizers.  If you are not logged into the app, your response will become anonymous.

  • Gamifications/Scans:
    In the NSPE app, if you use the app camera to scan any session or exhibitor QR code, you are explicitly giving access to the organizer or exhibitor your profile information. If you allow exhibitors, event staff, or other attendees to scan your app profile QR code, badge QR/Bar code, you are explicitly giving them access to your profile information.

  • Networking/Chat:
    For any event enables private message/chat feature, app is using your device and name to establish the communicate channel for the message engine.

  • Analytics
    We use third-party services for analytics of app usage. We pass your device information and name to the analytics engine to track app analytics. Event organizer can use such information to better prepare/plan future events for the attendees and other stakeholders.

Data Retention and Deletion

We keep your personal information only so long as we need it for the purposes for which it was collected, for the products and services that you are using, or to meet any legal requirements. We have retention standards, which meet these requirements. We will delete your personal information when it is no longer needed.

What control do you have with your data?

  • Access to Personal Information:
    You have the right to access the personal information uploaded by the event organizer or yourself. After you log into the app, you can go to “my profile” menu to access your personal information. This information includes information provided during your event registration system, event preferences, and any other data stored in your account profile.

  • Updating Personal Information:
    You can update your personal information at any time through the app’s settings (My Profile).  This allows you to keep your information accurate and up to date.

  • Deleting Personal Information:
    You have the right to request the deletion of your personal information from the app’s database. This may include account deletion or removal of specific data points. You can send requests to Upon receipt of your request, we will promptly delete your information, subject to any legal obligations.

  • Opt-Out of Notifications/Communications:
    You can opt-out of receiving promotional communications, such as event updates, newsletters, and marketing materials. You can opt in/out of notifications, private messages and manage your information display all through app settings.

  • App Analytics:
    When you download the app, you have the option to opt out of analytics tracking. In this case, all your app usage/behavior will not be tracked and tallied as part of the event analytics.

How do we handle children’s information?

NSPE app is not intended for children under the age of 15. We do not knowingly collect information from children under the age of 15. We assume event organizers will not provide personal identifiable information to the NSPE app platform for any child under the age of 15.  We strongly recommend parents and legal guardians to monitor their children’s app usage to help enforce our privacy policy.  If you believe we might have any information about or about a child under 18, please contact us at

Do we share information with other parties?

Third parties that your Information is shared:

  • Event Organizers
    The NSPE app may share user data with event organizers and sponsors to facilitate event planning, management, and sponsorship activities. This could include providing organizers with attendee lists, demographic information, and engagement metrics to help them understand and enhance the event experience.

  • Other app users
    Through the attendee list profile, your information will be visible to other attendees of the app.  Through badge QR code scan, you are also giving explicit access to your personal information.  The above information is only available to other users with your setting and consent.

  • Third-Party Service Providers:
    The NSPE app may engage third-party service providers to perform various functions on its behalf, such as hosting the app’s servers, sending notifications, or analyzing user data. These service providers may have access to user data to the extent necessary to perform their services but are typically bound by confidentiality agreements and data protection obligations.

  • Integration Partners:
    The NSPE app may integrate with other third-party platforms or services to enhance its functionality or provide additional features to users. In such cases, user data may be shared with these integration partners to enable seamless integration and interoperability between systems.

  • Event Sponsors/Exhibitors
    User data may be shared with app sponsoring partners based on app users’ behavior. This could involve sharing anonymized or aggregated data to protect user privacy.
    When your QR code is scanned, or you scanned an exhibitor or session QR code, your information will be shared with the exhibitor or the event organizer.

  • Business Transfers:
    In the event of a merger, acquisition, restructuring, or sale of assets, user data may be transferred as part of the transaction. The NSPE app will notify clients and users of any such changes and ensure that appropriate safeguards are in place to protect users’ rights and privacy interests.

  • Legal and Compliance Obligations:
    The NSPE app may share user data in response to legal requests, court orders, or government investigations, or to comply with applicable laws, regulations, or legal processes. This could include sharing data with law enforcement agencies, regulatory authorities, or other third parties as required by law.

How do we protect your information?

NSPE has implemented technical solutions to protect attendee data from unauthorized access.  All data services are using advanced security mechanisms and we encrypt/decrypt all transmitted data between our webservices and API calls.

If we engage any business partners, they will be contractually bound to maintain the confidentiality of all events related information and may not use the information for any unauthorized purpose. Our clients may also impose additional data rights and protection obligations depending on the law, regulations and rules that govern their data processing practices.

Contact Us

Please contact us if you have any questions about our privacy policy or information we hold about you or if you would like to do any of the following:

  • Remove personal information that you have already given to us so that you can correct or update it, or delete your personal information from our files.
  • If you believe that your privacy has been compromised by any person.
  • Report any violation of this Privacy Policy.

Phone: 888-285-6773
Address: 1420 King St., Alexandria, VA 22314

What information do we collect from you on the NSPE website?

We collect information about you when you join NSPE, register with us, or place an order for products or services. We also collect information when you voluntarily complete surveys or provide feedback. Website usage information is collected using cookies and user roles. An example of a user role is whether you are an NSPE member, NSPE student member, authenticated (registered), or anonymous.

When you register with us we collect your Personal Data. The types of Personal Data that we collect includes your name, address, telephone number, company or organization name, job title, e-mail address, and other information that you voluntarily submit to us, for example: How did you hear about NSPE?

Other types of Personal Data that we collect when you apply for a membership includes: gender, date of birth, ethnicity, whether or not you have passed the FE or PE exam, educational institution, degree type, area of study, discipline, expected/graduation date.

Categories of Personal Data Processed by NSPE
The following sections are divided based on the purposes for us processing your Personal Data.

Contact Information
The following is a list of contact information we collect from you: your name, address, telephone number, company or organization name, job title, and other information that you voluntarily submit to us. NSPE processes your contact information to create a customer record whenever purchase our products and services, register for an event, or join as a member. NSPE processes your contact information for the following reasons:

  • To establish, manage, and maintain your customer record

  • To process your order

  • To process your conference registration

  • To provide member benefits, products, and services

  • If you are a member, we will send you renewal notices and invoices

  • If you have agreed to receive email from us, we will send you marketing emails to keep you informed about our products, services, events, and latest news.

  • We use your membership information to personalize your repeat visits to the website. For example, after you register, you will see a “Welcome Back, first name” notice displayed on the webpages.

  • We use your membership information to determine if you're a member to provide you with discounts and special pricing on our products and events.

Education Information
The following is a list of education information we collect from you: whether or not you have passed the FE or PE exam; educational institution; degree type, area of study, discipline, expected/graduation date. NSPE processes your education information to apply membership grades and customize your experience based on discipline and interest.

NSPE processes your email address because you use your email address and your password to sign in to your account. The lawful basis to process your email address from this purpose is based on NSPE’s legitimate interest in protecting the security of your account.

NSPE processes your email address for the purpose of sending you important information about NSPE events. You have the right to ask us to stop sending you email and that process for doing this is provided in the “How do I withdraw consent” section.

Date of Birth
NSPE processes your date of birth to determine eligibility for life and retired membership grades.

Ethnicity and Gender
NSPE processes your ethnicity to facilitate networking among peers, and track aggregate engagement and representation of minority engineers in the membership.

How long do we keep hold of your information?

We keep your personal information only so long as we need it for the purposes for which it was collected, for the products and services that you are using, or to meet any legal requirements. We have retention standards, which meet these requirements. We destroy your personal information when it is no longer needed after 3 to 5 years.

How can I access and change the information you hold about me?

You have the right to request a copy of the information that we hold about you. If you would like a copy of some or all of your personal information, contact us using the information under the "How to contact us" section of this webpage.

Also, you may view and update these details online under your personal account profile. After you log in to the NSPE website, click on the "My Account" link at the top of the NSPE webpages to access your personal account profile.

How do I withdraw consent?

Please send us an email or call us if you wish to withdraw consent:
Phone: 888-285-6773

EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

This item relates to you if you are an individual located in the European Union.

At NSPE, we have been working to prepare for GDPR, to ensure we meet the obligations about how we use your Personal Data.

The lawful basis for processing your contact information is your explicit consent using the online GDPR form that we have asked you to complete. You have the right to withdraw consent and that process for doing this is provided in the “How do I withdraw consent" section.

NSPE is the data controller for the processing of your personal data.

You have the following rights in relations to your personal data we have collected from you:

If you ask us, we will let you know if we are processing your personal data and provide you with a copy.

If your information is incorrect or incomplete, you have the right to have it rectified. When possible, we will notify others of the rectification and will share this information with you if you ask us to.

If you ask us, we will delete you personal data in most circumstances except for when other obligations exceed your right to deletion. Where possible and lawful to do so, if you ask us we will let you know with whom we shared your personal data so you can contact them.

Restrict Processing
If you ask us to, we can restrict processing of your personal data. Where possible and lawful to do so, if you ask us we will let you know with whom we shared your personal data.

Data Portability
You have the right to obtain your personal data from us that you consented to give to us or was part of a registration process.

You have the right to object to us processing your personal data, and if you ask us to, we will stop processing your data where possible and lawful to do so.

Withdraw consent
You have the right to withdraw consent if you have previously given consent to process your personal data.

Lodge a complaint with the data protection authority
If you are concerned about the way we have managed your personal data, you can report this to the data protection authority that is authorized to hear these types of concerns.

You may exercise your rights by contacting us under the "Contact Us" section on this page.

Canada's Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL)

This item relates to you if you are a resident of Canada.

The Government of Canada has adopted a Canadian Anti-Spam Law (CASL) effective on July 1, 2014. Under the new law, NSPE is required to obtain your express consent to continue sending you e-mail communications. NSPE sends e-mail compliant with CASL.

To continue receiving e-mail communications from NSPE, please complete the online form and submit your consent.

If you have already given your consent, and would like to revoke consent, please contact us using the information listed under "Contact Us" on this page.