Congress Revamps National Chemical Safety Law

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

On June 7, Congress passed a sweeping overhaul of the Toxic Substances Control Act. The legislation now goes to the president for his expected signature. NSPE is closely monitoring how this legislation will impact PEs.

This legislation provides the first major revamp since the legislation’s enactment 40 years ago. The bill modifies the standards and procedures by which the Environmental Protection Agency evaluates and determines the toxicity of chemicals in industrial and consumer products.

Many professional engineers work with products and within industries that will be affected by this legislation. This legislation is a critical reminder of the important role that professional engineers play in protecting the public health, safety, and welfare through toxic waste remediation. NSPE is working with the EPA to develop federal best practices and standards to prevent toxic waste disasters such as the blowout at the Gold King Mine. Learn more about what NSPE is doing on this vital issue.