Action Alert! Urge Your Congressperson to Support Precollege Engineering Education

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

NSPE needs your help in advocating for federal legislation that encourages engineering education for precollege students.

On July 7, 2016, Rep. Tim Ryan (OH-13) and cosponsor Rep. Tom Reed (NY-23) introduced the Pre-College Engineering Education Act. NSPE played a critical role in the development of this legislation. Most notably, NSPE secured a major victory for its members by working with Ryan and his staff to incorporate a provision explicitly emphasizing engineering education as a vital component in attaining licensure as a professional engineer, which requires rigorous education, training, experience, and continuing education. This bipartisan legislation, H.R. 5679, which emphasizes the importance of the E in STEM, consists of four main components. If enacted, the bill would:

  1. Establish a grant program at the National Science Foundation to encourage states and local school districts to develop and implement sustainable engineering education programs in elementary and secondary schools;
  2. Teach students the overall analytical approach used in engineering to prepare them to deal with complex technical and nontechnical problems and issues;
  3. Introduce students to modern engineering tools such as computer-aided design, computer-aided manufacturing, statistical analysis, and reliability analysis; and
  4. Emphasize engineering education as a vital component in attaining licensure as a professional engineer that requires rigorous education, training, experience, and continuing education.

The Pre-College Engineering Education Act takes an important step in underscoring the value and necessity of engineering education by enhancing K–12 engineering education and emphasizing the importance of attaining licensure as a professional engineer. To this end, H.R. 5679 recognizes the importance of early education in developing the skills and desire to become a professional engineer.

Read Congressman Ryan's press release, which includes comments from NSPE Immediate Past President Tim Austin, P.E., F.NSPE.

Contact your congressperson today to urge them to cosponsor H.R. 5679, the Pre-College Engineering Education Act!