NSPE’S Communities Continues to Grow

November/December 2016

NSPE Today
NSPE’S Communities Continues to Grow
NSPE Communities

More people are joining the discussion on NSPE’s Communities every day. The online networking platform available to members only reached 2,300 active users in September.

All NSPE members can participate in Communities and its main discussion group Open Forum. With Communities, members can ask for advice, share expertise on matters of common interest, access best practices and must-have documents from fellow PEs, and connect with other members nationwide.

Following the release of a new report from NSPE on licensure law exemptions, there has been a lot of discussion in the Open Forum on the topic. A state society also recently used Communities to find webinar presenters, and one member used it to get advice on helping his son find out how he can become a “space engineer.”

NSPE’s interest groupsProfessional Engineers in Higher Education, Professional Engineers in Industry, Professional Engineers in Private Practice, and Professional Engineers in Construction—also now have their own communities. Here their members can share information and discuss topics of interest to their particular group.

NSPE is also currently conducting a survey on Communities. By offering insight into the usability of the platform, the quality of information, and topics for future discussion, members are helping to shape plans for expanding this unique tool as well as increase member engagement with it. NSPE will continue to tailor Communities to accommodate the specific interests of the membership over the next several months.

Visit www.community.nspe.org to update your profile and join the conversations with members nationwide. And once you’ve done that, don’t forget to add your voice to the NSPE Communities Feedback Survey.