NSPE, Wyoming Society Urge Licensing Board to Preserve FE Exam Requirement

Monday, November 7, 2016

On November 4, NSPE and the Wyoming Society of Professional Engineers submitted a joint public comment urging the Wyoming Board of Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors to rescind draft language that would waive the requirement for taking the Fundamentals of Engineering examination (FE exam) for individuals who have engaged in the practice of engineering for at least twenty years.

Licensure as a professional engineer requires three key components: education, examination and experience. The FE exam tests applicants to ensure that they meet the necessary standards in academic competence to practice engineering. In the joint comment letter, NSPE President Kodi Jean Verhalen, P.E., Esq, F.NSPE and WySPE President Kelly Hafner, P.E. stated that “NSPE and WySPE recognize that, in certain instances, where academic competence has already been clearly established, whether by earning a Ph.D or serving as an engineering faculty member, the FE exam may be waived. However, to waive the FE exam for an applicant who has not met the critical academic competence standards, weakens requirements and lowers standards, potentially endangering the public health, safety and welfare. The passage of the proposed legislation would seriously undermine a critical foundation of professional engineering practice. These standards have served as the backbone of the profession and public safety for decades.”

Read the NSPE-WySPE joint comment to the Wyoming Board of Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors.