
Action on Issue: 
Threats to Professional Licensure
Legislative/Executive Order/Regulatory Issue: 
AB 369: Failed upon adjournment on 3/22/2018.
SB 288: Failed upon adjournment on 3/22/2018.

AB 369 and SB 288 were introduced on June 2, 2017 and would have created the Occupational License Review Council. The council would have been required to create recommendations for the elimination of occupational licenses in the state, or the modification of laws and rules governing occupational licenses, and the reduction or elimination of continuing and other education requirements. The Legislative Reference Bureau would then create legislation based on the Council’s recommendations. During the executive session of SB 288, the Committee on Public Benefits, Licensing and State-Federal Relations adopted an amendment to ensure that there would be a public comment period before the Council makes recommendations. These measure failed to pass before adjournment.