NSPE Fights Federal Legislative Attempt to Undermine PE Judgment

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

NSPE is actively working to defeat federal legislation that would undermine the role of the professional engineer in making final decisions about the correct type of piping to use in our nation’s water systems. NSPE and other engineering and water utility associations sent a letter to Congress and House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Greg Walden (R-OR), opposing materials-preference legislation that—under the guise of promoting “open competition”—seeks to legislate technical decisions related to pipes and other materials that should be made by licensed engineers and local communities.

“The marketplace for pipes and other materials is already open and competitive, which calls into question the stated purpose of this legislation,” the letter states. “More importantly, however, technical decisions on materials such as pipes should not be made in the political arena, but rather by professional engineers based on the unique needs of each system, taking into account critical factors such as structural integrity, soil compatibility, maintenance and life cycle costs.”

NSPE has been fighting this issue at the state level, collaborating with our state societies to successfully defeat this legislation. NSPE will continue to fight any effort to undermine the professional engineer and the public health, safety, and welfare.

Read the full letter here.