NSPE Takes the Fight to Protect Occupational Licensure to Congress

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

NSPE continues to lead on ensuring the protection and promotion of engineering licensure. NSPE has been a leading force against the growing anti-occupational licensure movement, educating policymakers and the public about the critical need for licensure for a learned profession that, above all else, must protect the public health, safety, and welfare. On September 12, NSPE Government Relations staff participated in a hearing on occupational licensure convened by the House Judiciary Committee. In conjunction with the hearing, NSPE signed onto a letter with state licensing boards and professional associations opposing federal legislation that would undermine states’ regulation of occupational licensure. As stated in the letter, “the public is best served when state regulatory boards, duly constituted under state law, are free to make decisions on issues of public health, safety, and welfare.” NSPE will continue to proactively engage members of Congress to ensure that engineering licensure is protected in any federal legislation.