Qualifications-Based Selection of Engineering Services: State List


Action on Issue: Qualifications-Based Selection of Engineering Services
Legislative/Regulatory Issue: Legislative
Legislative/Regulatory Issue Tracking Number:
Last Action:
Recommended for study in the Interim Committee on Senate Committee on State Agencies and Governmental Affairs on 3/30/17.
Additional Comments:

This measure states that if a state agency, a state-supported institution of higher education, or a political subdivision issues a request for qualifications, competitive bidding can be used to select the professional person from the qualified vendor list that is considered the best-qualified and capable of performing the desired work for the lowest price. NSPE reached out to the Arkansas Society of Professional Engineers in order to defeat the bill. Although the measure passed the Senate, the House recommended that the measure be studied during the Interim. NSPE and the Arkansas Society of Professional Engineers will collaborate to protect QBS going into the 2019 Legislative Session.