Qualifications-Based Selection of Engineering Services: State List

West Virginia

Action on Issue: Qualifications-Based Selection of Engineering Services
Legislative/Regulatory Issue: Legislative
Legislative/Regulatory Issue Tracking Number:
Last Action:
Failed upon adjournment on 3/10/2018.
Additional Comments:

The intention of this bill is to modify the procedure certain public agencies must take in order to contract for certain architectural and engineering services by requiring joint discussions with prospective architectural or engineering firms in contract negotiations. Following the joint discussions, the final three firms shall each submit a proposed contract, including estimated costs to the agency and the agency will use that information, together with the qualifications, in order to select the lowest, qualified firm from the three options. If the public agency rejects all proposed contracts, the agency and seek other proposals from additional firms.

This measure may have begun the process to repeal QBS in West Virginia. NSPE and the West Virginia Society of Professional Engineers will continue to collaborate in order to defeat any future efforts.