Action Alert! Urge Your Representative To Cosponsor H.R. 823, the Educating Tomorrow’s Engineers Act Today!

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Representative Paul Tonko (NY-20) with lead cosponsors Representative David McKinley, P.E. (WV-1) and Representative Joe Kennedy (MA-4) has introduced the Educating Tomorrow's Engineers Act. This bipartisan legislation, H.R. 823, which emphasizes the importance of the E in STEM, aims to increase student achievement and interest in engineering and to align K-12  curricula with the skills needed in the 21st century workforce. To this end, H.R. 823 removes barriers at the federal level that prevent schools from expanding math and science curricula to include engineering design skill

Please take action today and urge your Congressperson to cosponsor H.R. 823 today at .