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November 2, 2010

NSPE sent a joint letter with the >STEM Education Coalition to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) urging the Senate to pass the America COMPETES Reauthorization Act (H.R. 5116, S. 3605).

NSPE sent a joint letter as part of the STEM Education Coalition asking House and Senate leaders to provide the highest funding levels for Department of Education and National Science Foundation science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education programs in the Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education and Commerce, Justice, and Science appropriations bills.

October 26, 2010

NSPE Senior Manager of Government Relations Sarah Ogden participated in an R&D Credit Coalition teleconference. Congress will attempt to pass a "tax extenders" bill, an annual authorization that provides tax cuts for businesses and includes the R&D credit, during a post-election, lame-duck session. The R&D tax credit expired on December 31, 2009.

October 22, 2010

The USA Science and Engineering Festival will be held on the National Mall this weekend. NSPE is a festival partner and will have a booth featuring an engineering activity. The goal of the festival is to recruit the next generation of scientists and engineers by engaging K–12 students in how science intersects with their daily lives. The festival has gained the support of the President and an honorary congressional committee of 22 senators and 64 representatives.

October 18, 2010

Winners of the National Engineers Week Future City Competition, the Junior Engineering Technical Society TEAMS Competition, and MATHCOUNTS were invited to attend the White House Science Fair, where President Obama viewed student exhibits from a wide range of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics competitions and spoke about the importance of STEM education to America's economic future.

October 12, 2010

NSPE Senior Manager of Government Relations Sarah Ogden met with staff from the American Council of Engineering Companies, American Institute of Architects, and American Society of Civil Engineers to discuss the Qualifications-Based Selection Facilitator Grant. NSPE, ACEC, AIA, ASCE, and the American Public Works Association cosponsor the annual grant, which provides funding and program support to states seeking to promote the use of QBS by state and local agencies.

NSPE Senior Manager of Government Relations Sarah Ogden participated in an R&D Credit Coalition teleconference. Congress will attempt to pass a "tax extenders" bill, an annual authorization that provides tax cuts for businesses and includes the R&D credit, during a post-election, lame-duck session.

October 5, 2010

NSPE sent a joint letter with nearly 250 other professional organizations, universities, and corporations to Senate leaders urging them to pass the America COMPETES Reauthorization Act (H.R. 5116, S. 3605) this year.

September 23, 2010

NSPE Executive Director Larry Jacobson, NICET Chief Operating Executive Michael Clark, NSPE Director of Professional Practice Kim Granados, and NSPE Senior Manager of Government Relations Sarah Ogden met with a 20-member delegation from the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Securit y to discuss engineering licensure, certification, ethics, leadership, and government relations.

September 22, 2010

NSPE President Michael Hardy commented before the Blue Ribbon Commission on America's Nuclear Future on the role of professional engineers in nuclear safety. NSPE's comments focused on the ethics and sense of personal responsibility that influence a PE's decision-making process.
