Latest News

October 31, 2018

Under the leadership of NSPE, several engineering societies have submitted a letter to the Federal Communications Commission thanking the commission for its continual use of professional engineers but requesting that the FCC revise language in public notices indicating that a licensed professional engineer does not have to have an engineering license.

The recent FCC Public Notice DA 18-887 includes a reference to a “professional engineer,” but without the requirement of licensure:

October 29, 2018

Earning a professional engineering license requires a candidate to meet specific education and experience requirements and successfully complete two exams. The education requirements vary by state. In some cases, a degree in engineering technology from an accredited program is enough; however, in others it is not.

October 11, 2018

President Trump has approved a five-year Federal Aviation Administration reauthorization that includes an NSPE-backed amendment to expand the use of qualifications-based selection on federally funded airport projects.

September 17, 2018

As predicted, Hurricane Florence has made a devastating impact and affected millions of people across the Carolinas, bringing wind damage, power outages, coastal flooding, and sadly, the loss of life. NSPE’s thoughts remain with all of those affected, and those still in harm’s way as inland flooding continues to be a danger.

September 12, 2018

NSPE members now have free access to a new report that provides a state-by-state summary of the sometimes confusing rules on the digital signing and sealing of engineering documents. The ethical responsibility to meet the required standards for signing and sealing engineering documents is among the most fundamental responsibilities of a professional engineer.

September 10, 2018

In an effort to maintain safety and health protections for workers while reducing employers’ compliance burdens, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration has proposed a rule that would expand exemptions affecting railroad equipment.

August 29, 2018

NSPE is pleased to announce its membership in the Professional Certification Coalition, which was formed to promote and represent private-sector professional certification organizations and their service providers. Membership in the Coalition provides NSPE with additional opportunities to protect professional licensure, contribute to white papers and other material highlighting the benefits of both certification and licensure, and form new, mutually-beneficial alliances.

August 23, 2018

Over the coming months, NSPE will release four more state assessments to answer key questions and provide vital information for all NSPE members. In addition, NSPE state societies will be able to utilize this valuable information in their interactions with state licensure board members, state legislators, and policymakers to support professional engineers and protect the public health, safety, and welfare.

August 10, 2018

After a railroad bridge collapsed in downtown Syracuse, Senator Charles Schumer of New York has launched a push to increase the number of federal railroad bridge safety specialists nationwide.

August 6, 2018

NSPE is deeply concerned about the recent duck boat accident in Branson, Missouri. NSPE’s condolences go out to the victims’ families and all touched by this tragic incident. Records show that the boat was designed by an entrepreneur with no prior engineering training, according to news reports.
