Indiana Society of Professional Engineers, with NSPE’s Support, Defeats Misguided Effort to Eliminate Licensure

Thursday, August 20, 2015

On August 20, as the result of extensive advocacy efforts by the Indiana Society of Professional Engineers and NSPE, the Indiana Job Creation Commission (JCC) rescinded its troubling recommendation to eliminate licensure of the Professional Engineer. The JCC, which was created in 2014 to examine the licensing of all of the state’s professional boards, released its draft report on June 17 recommending elimination of the PE license in Indiana. The Indiana Society of Professional Engineers (ISPE) and National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) organized a swift, coordinated response to urge the JCC and Indiana Governor Mike Pence to reverse the recommendation. ISPE sent a letter to the JCC Chairman Nick Rhoad and Governor Pence’s office on June 19 urging them to remove the recommendation. At ISPE’s request NSPE sent a letter addressing both the state and national implications of such a recommendation and urged that the decision not only be reversed but that the final report submitted to the Governor’s office on July 1 reflect these changes. The Governor’s office immediately responded stating that it opposed the recommendation. The final report was amended but still stated that there would be further consideration of the licensure of engineers.

A public hearing to address this issue further was held on August 20. NSPE submitted additional comments strongly urging that the decision be rescinded as part of the meeting’s formal record. Read NSPE’s latest statement’s here. ISPE Immediate Past President Scott Haraburda, P.E., Ph.D testified and the JCC rescinded its recommendation. This is an important victory but it is also an absolutely critical reminder to all states to remain vigilant against efforts to compromise or eliminate professional engineering licensure. NSPE has been actively monitoring developments around the country and stands ready, willing and able to collaborate with state societies to oppose any and all such efforts.