Mississippi Department of Transportation Wins 2016 QBS Award

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Each year, NSPE and the American Council of Engineering Companies partner to administer the Qualifications-Based Selection Awards, which recognize individuals and entities in the public and private sectors for exemplary use of the QBS procurement process. Winners serve as examples of how well the process works at the federal, state, and local levels.

The Society and ACEC are pleased to announce that the Mississippi Department of Transportation is the winner of the 2016 Qualifications-Based Selection Grand Award.

Also earning merit awards were the City of Champaign, Illinois; City of Rapid City, South Dakota; and the Maine Bureau of General Services.

ACEC will recognize the Mississippi DOT for its distinguished achievement at the council’s fall conference. All merit award recipients will be recognized in their respective states by their NSPE state chapter and ACEC member organization. 

NSPE and ACEC wish to congratulate the winners of the QBS Award and the QBS Merit Awards for their achievements in advancing the cause of qualifications-based selection.