Latest News

October 5, 2011

NSPE Senior Manager of Government Relations Sarah Ogden participated in a "Building Safety in the Face of Natural Disasters" congressional briefing, sponsored by the High-Performance Building Congressional Caucus Coalition and the Congressional Hazards Caucus Alliance. The briefing focused on the critical role of building codes in community resilience following disasters.

October 4, 2011

NSPE Senior Manager of Government Relations Sarah Ogden attended the Alliance to Save Energy's annual Summit on Capitol Hill, "Driving Energy Efficiency as the 'Next Big Thing.'" Panels of government and private-sector representatives from across the globe discussed issues including how governments are investing in energy efficiency, implementation and finance of energy efficiency techn

September 21, 2011

The Council on Federal Procurement of Architectural and Engineering Services hosted a Federal Markets Conference, where federal agency representatives discussed their programs, the outlook for FY12, and their anticipated needs for private-sector A/E services in the coming years. Speakers included:

September 19, 2011

NSPE Senior Manager of Government Relations Sarah Ogden attended an Afterschool Alliance congressional briefing on "21st Century Community Learning Centers: Improving STEM Education during Out-of-School Time." Speakers included Time Warner Cable Vice President of External Affairs and Policy Counselor Fernando Laguarda, who discussed Time Warner's Connect a Mill

September 8, 2011

August 19, 2011

The Council on Federal Procurement of Architectural and Engineering Services is hosting a Federal Markets Conference on Thursday, September 22, in Washington, D.C.

August 12, 2011

The National Institute of Standards and Technology named Steven L. McCabe, P.E., Deputy Director of the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program. McCabe holds a B.S. in mechanical engineering and an M.S. in mechanical engineering and engineering mechanics from Colorado State University and a Ph.D.

August 9, 2011

Shortly before the House adjourned for August recess, Reps. Judy Biggert (R-IL-13) and Rush Holt (D-NJ-12) introduced a resolution (H.R. 378) advocating the inclusion of science education in the accountability system set forth in the Elementary and Secondary Education Act.

August 5, 2011

The NSPE Board of Directors approved revisions to the Nuclear Electric Power position statement. The statement now reflects NSPE's position that professional engineers should be required to have direct supervision over all engineering design, operations, and maintenance decisions at nuclear power plants. Read more about NSPE's positions on important issues here.

July 26, 2011

NSPE Senior Manager of Government Relations attended a National Association of Business PACs discussion with Federal Election Commission Chair Cynthia Bauerly. NSPE is a member of NABPAC, an association that provides information on legal trends and best practices in political action committees.
