NSPE, Kansas Society Urge Kansas Legislators to Support QBS

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

NSPE and the Kansas Society of Professional Engineers are fighting back against an effort to erode qualifications-based selection in Kansas. A report erroneously claims that the Kansas Department of Transportation could save funds by eliminating QBS. In a letter to the Kansas House Transportation and Public Safety Budget Committee Chairman and Vice Chairman, NSPE President Kodi Jean Verhalen, P.E., Esq., F.NSPE, cited a 2009 study conducted by the University of Colorado and the Georgia Institute of Technology regarding procurement of engineering services and found that QBS does save government agencies money. Verhalen writes, “QBS consistently reduces overall construction costs, produces better project results, and creates highly satisfied owners.” Moreover, QBS protects the public welfare, protects the taxpayer, benefits small firms and promotes technical innovation. NSPE believes professional engineers, on the basis of design ability, experience, and integrity should perform all engineering services. NSPE strongly supports the continued use of qualifications-based selection for architectural and engineering services in the state of Kansas.