NSPE Members Send A Clear Message to Congress with Debut of New Legislative Action Center

Monday, June 2, 2014

On June 2, NSPE’s members utilized the debut of NSPE’s new Legislative Action Center, now powered by VoterVoice, to send a clear and powerful message to Congress to immediately stabilize the Highway Trust Fund and ensure a long-term solution to prevent insolvency. In less than the first 12 hours, 100 NSPE members answered the call to action and sent an action alert to their Senators and Representatives. Grassroots advocacy campaigns usually lose substantial momentum after the first day or two. However, a week into this advocacy campaign, nearly 200 NSPE members have sent 539 messages to 214 Members of Congress. NSPE’s member-advocates have reached 84% of the Senate and 30% of the House of Representatives and continue to increase their reach.

Thanks to VoterVoice’s fast and simple approach, NSPE members can contact their Members of Congress to invest in America’s infrastructure system in a matter of seconds. Do you have 30 seconds? If so, join the NSPE movement and bring common sense back to Washington, DC.
