In Response to Gold King Mine Spill, NSPE Urges EPA and All Federal Agencies to Require PEs on Engineering Projects

Friday, September 4, 2015

NSPE is saddened by the recent gold mine blowout of the Gold King Mine, which resulted in a three-million gallon toxic spill into the Animas and San Juan rivers affecting communities in multiple states. This spill has brought under scrutiny the EPA’s requirements and practices. Although specific details regarding the onsite team and its practices have still not yet been fully disclosed, NSPE strongly urges the EPA and all federal agencies to review their existing requirements and practices. Unfortunately, far too many engineering projects are undertaken without the expertise and supervision of a licensed professional engineer. The professional engineer’s foremost responsibility is to practice in a manner that protects the public health, safety and welfare. The professional engineer license demonstrates an engineer’s commitment to the highest standards of engineering practice and ethical conduct and shows that the individual has the proper education, experience and qualifications to provide these engineering services to the public. NSPE looks forward to working with stakeholders to minimize future events such as this one.