Latest News

April 30, 2019

NSPE and Engineers Canada share a commitment to finding mutually acceptable solutions to international licensure mobility challenges. The two organizations issued a joint statement after discussions on reciprocity and mobility for licensed North American engineers.

April 16, 2019

Over the last several weeks, NSPE’s Government Relations staff has been working with congressional staffers on a federal bill to end licensing exemptions for work done on public utility pipelines. The bill is a response to the Merrimack Valley, Massachusetts, incident that occurred in the fall of 2018, in which over-pressurized gas pipelines exploded, destroying several homes and killing one person.

March 27, 2019

NSPE has joined with several other organizations to protest the proposed use of tracking software on the computers of government contract employees, including those at engineering firms.

February 19, 2019

In legislatures around the country, a threat to engineering firms that contract with government agencies is emerging. The threat comes from a model bill requiring private businesses that contract with any government body to install tracking software on the computer of every employee who works on a public project. The company TransparentBusiness is aggressively promoting the model bill as a way of reducing fraudulent charges by government contractors.

January 16, 2019

A federal judge has ruled that an Oregon man was within his First Amendment rights when he referred to himself as an “engineer,” even though he was not licensed as a professional engineer. This ruling does not, in any way, weaken or change the fact that only PEs may engage in the professional practice of engineering in the state, nor that only licensed individuals may call themselves professional engineers or PEs.

January 3, 2019

NSPE’s major effort to improve public safety in the aftermath of a deadly pipeline explosion in Massachusetts has resulted in a new state law. On December 31, Governor Charlie Baker signed emergency legislation that requires a licensed professional engineer to approve plans for engineering work associated with natural gas infrastructure in the commonwealth.

December 13, 2018

NSPE has raised objections to the Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed elimination of a requirement that closed vent emissions system modifications be reviewed and sealed by a professional engineer. The objections were outlined in a public comment to the agency, which is reconsidering emission standards for the oil and natural gas sector.

November 28, 2018

Though no one wants to face disciplinary actions, it’s important to know what your professional responsibilities are if it ever happens. So NSPE has compiled information that details the self-reporting requirements of each state, including the types of information that must be shared, and thresholds that trigger them. NSPE members can access the report for free. It is available to non-members for a $9.95 fee.

November 19, 2018

As the push for automated vehicles continues in industry and government, NSPE is once again urging the Department of Transportation to give greater attention to public safety.

November 12, 2018

Which states recognize the structural engineering license? It’s one of the most common questions from professional engineers looking to market their expertise across state lines. Due to the perceived risk involved and the increased complexity of structural design requirements, many states have begun to recognize structural engineers separately from professional engineers and increase their licensing requirements.
