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March 6, 2014

February 27, 2014

On February 27th, NSPE's Government Relations Manager Arielle Eiser attended a political action committee event for Representative Elizabeth Esty (D-CT). NSPE's top legislative issues were discussed with the Congresswoman and her Chief of Staff, including transportation and infrastructure legislation and STEM education. Congresswoman Esty is a promising freshman Representative who has already shown herself to be an emerging star.

February 11, 2014

The National Society of Professional Engineers recently played a lead role in drafting the 2014 National Engineers Week Resolution, which was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives by Representative Daniel Lipinski (IL-3) on February 11. The bipartisan resolution, H. Res 483, supports the goals and ideals of Engineers Week, which is being celebrated February 16-22.

February 4, 2014

On February 4, at the request of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee, NSPE President Robert Green, P.E., F.NSPE sent a letter of support endorsing the Comprehensive Veterans Health and Benefits and Military Retirement Pay Restoration Act of 2014.

On February 4, Manager of Government Relations Arielle Eiser attended "America on the Move: Investing in U.S. Infrastructure".

December 5, 2013

On December 5th, NSPE President Robert Green, P.E., F.NSPE sent a letter of support for S. 1579, the SCRA Enhancement and Improvement Act of 2013, to Senator Sanders (I-VT) and Senator Rockefeller (D-WV). S. 1579 ensures that our nation's service members are recognized for their invaluable contributions to our nation and for their personal sacrifices. NSPE particularly commends S.1579 for acknowledging the need to protect the professional licenses of uniformed services members.

November 13, 2013

On November 13, Manager of Government Relations Arielle Eiser attended a House Committee on Science, Space, Technology subcommittee hearing on the upcoming reauthorization of the America COMPETES Act, which authorizes investments in science and engineering research and science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education from kindergarten to the postdoctoral level.

October 30, 2013

On October 30 COFPAES met for its biannual Delegates Meeting. The COFPAES delegation, including COFPAES Chairman Chris Stone and COFPAES Treasurer Dan Hanlon, (accompanied by NSPE Manager of Government Relations Arielle Eiser) met with staff from the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee to promote QBS and advocate for a solution to the ongoing QBS violations in the GSA supply schedules.

October 18, 2013

On October 18th, NSPE sent a letter urging the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to strengthen its qualification standards for filling federal professional engineering positions. OPM recently issued a proposed draft revision to the current qualification standards that would add ABET-accredited engineering technology bachelor degrees as qualifying for professional engineering positions.

September 25, 2013

On September 25, NSPE endorsed the Water Resources Reform and Development Act of 2013 (H.R. 3080). Introduced on September 11th by House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Bill Shuster (R-Pa.) and Ranking Member Nick Rahall (D-W.Va), this legislation would streamline the infrastructure project delivery process and strengthen our nation's water transportation networks.
