Latest News

July 19, 2011

July 15, 2011

The NSPE Legislative and Governmental Affairs Committee met at the Annual Meeting in Las Vegas to discuss the committee's goals for the coming year and determine NSPE's primary public policy agenda for 2011–12. Based on committee discussions and a recent survey of NSPE members, NSPE will focus on the following federal issues:

May 26, 2011

NSPE Senior Manager of Government Relations Sarah Ogden represented NSPE at events in conjunction with High-Performance Building Week, sponsored by the High-Performance Building Congressional Caucus Coalition.

May 19, 2011

National Engineers Week and the Future City Competition met with a delegation of urban planning leaders from the Middle East to discuss the importance of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education and how to engage students in engineering. The delegation was visiting the U.S.

May 18, 2011

NSPE Senior Manager of Government Relations Sarah Ogden attended a congressional briefing entitled "Engineering Concepts in the K–12 Classroom." The briefing included a discussion of how engineering is currently taught at the K–12 level and how engineering concepts could be used to enhance science, mathematics, and technology teaching.

May 17, 2011

NSPE cosponsored the 2011 Engineering Public Policy Symposium, which was held in conjunction with the National Academy of Engineering Convocation and the American Association of Engineering Societies Awards.

May 12, 2011

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) and Congressman Paul Tonko (D-NY-21) introduced the Engineering Education (E2) for Innovation Act (S. 969), which would provide grants to integrate engineering curricula and content into classrooms across the country.

May 5, 2011

NSPE Senior Manager of Government Relations Sarah Ogden participated in a Clean and Safe Energy Coalition teleconference featuring David Mullen, international representative for the utility department of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. Mullen described his personal experience as an equipment operator at a nuclear power plant and the culture of safety and rigorous, ongoing training in the nuclear energy industry.

May 3, 2011

NSPE Senior Manager of Government Relations Sarah Ogden participated in an R&D Credit Coalition teleconference to discuss federal legislation that would promote domestic research and manufacturing.

April 28, 2011

NSPE Senior Manager of Government Relations Sarah Ogden attended a High-Performance Building Congressional Caucus Coalition briefing on "Earthquake Hazards and the Nation's Buildings," where structural engineers discussed the need for stricter earthquake codes and standards in U.S.
