Discipline Specific Licensure

NSPE Position Statement No. 09-1785
July 2017
Latest Revision: 
September 2023
Sunset Date: 
September 2025
NSPE Contact: 
Committee on Policy and Advocacy
Professional Policy Supported: 
Printable Version: 

Position Statement: It is the position of the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) that Licensure as a professional engineer must be the only legal designation required for the practice of engineering. Continued recognition of professional engineering licensure as the defining qualification for professional practice is crucial to the public’s understanding of the profession and ensuring the trust and protection of the public.

NSPE believes that fragmenting the professional engineering license into discipline-specific title or practice acts weakens rather than strengthens the integrity of the license as well as the profession. Professional Engineers as a condition of license are charged with practicing within their areas of expertise. Fragmenting the licensing policy into specific disciplines will only weaken the profession without adding additional protection to the public health, safety, and welfare. NSPE does not support any regulations which limit the number of experienced licensed professionals available for service by excluding those who have obtained a License in one field of engineering but have developed a broad base of experiences and competencies in other areas of the profession.