Regulation of Professional Engineering

NSPE Position Statement No. 09-0152
Latest Revision: 
January 2023
Sunset Date: 
September 2024
NSPE Contact: 
Committee on Policy and Advocacy
Professional Policy Supported: 

Position Statement: It is the position of the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) that licensure as a professional engineer is the appropriate regulatory process by which an individual meets the requirements to practice engineering in any jurisdiction. NSPE endorses and supports the establishment and strengthening of uniform licensure laws in all jurisdictions, such as the NCEES Model Law, or other models that promote uniform standards for licensure and comity between all jurisdictions.

The National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) was founded in 1934 based on a key goal of protecting the public through licensing (registration) of engineers in the United States. Promotion of strong licensure laws is a core value of NSPE and essential to protection of public health, safety and welfare.

In order to protect the public health, safety, and welfare against the potential for incompetent engineering services performed by individuals who lack the necessary education, training, experience, and other qualifications to perform engineering services as defined under state licensing laws, NSPE supports the State licensing boards in their actions to vigorously enforce laws prohibiting the unlawful practice of engineering.