#15: Tire Engineers Litigation

NSPE Speaks
This episode starts the new format for NSPE Speaks and features a one-on-one interview with NSPE Deputy Executive Director and General Counsel Arthur Schwartz on the recent litigation surrounding the company Tire Engineers, what it means for NSPE and professional engineers, and how PEs can lend their voice and support to this, and future, cases.
April 27, 2018

This episode starts the new format for NSPE Speaks and features a one-on-one interview with NSPE Deputy Executive Director and General Counsel Arthur Schwartz on the recent litigation surrounding the company Tire Engineers, what it means for NSPE and professional engineers, and how PEs can lend their voice and support to this, and future, cases.

  • Art Schwartz is known as NSPE’s legal, ethics, and licensure guru – read more about his background and experience in his online bio.

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