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August 5, 2014

Facing imminent insolvency as Congress prepared to adjourn for a five-week recess, the Senate and House finally reached a short-term agreement to provide $10.8 billion to fund and reauthorize the Highway Trust Fund through next May. With the Department of Transportation set to begin cutting payments to states the next day, the Senate approved H.R. 5021 on July 31st by a vote of 81-13 bringing to an end a showdown between the two chambers.

July 14, 2014

On July 11, NSPE President Harve Hnatiuk, P.E., F.NSPE, sent a letter urging FEMA and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to revise FEMA’s levee certification program requirement to shift the responsibility and liability to the parties in the best position to assume that responsibility and liability: the levee boards, owners, and operators. Learn more.

June 12, 2014

On June 12, Manager of Government Relations Arielle Eiser participated in a political action committee event with Representative Paul Tonko (D-NY). NSPE’s top legislative issues were discussed, including the importance of the “E” in STEM. As an engineer in Congress, Representative Tonko has worked diligently to strengthen the American engineering workforce. The Congressman is the primary House sponsor of the Educating Tomorrow’s Engineers Act (H.R.2426) .

June 10, 2014

On June 10 President Obama signed the Water Resources Reform Development Act (WRRDA) into law. The conference report was approved overwhelmingly in the Senate by a vote of 91-7 and by an even more remarkable margin of 412-4 in the House of Representatives. WRRDA is the first Army Corps of Engineers authorization since 2007.

June 2, 2014

On June 2, NSPE debuted its new Legislative Action Center, now powered by VoterVoice, LLC. This enhanced legislative platform will enable all NSPE members to quickly and easily respond to Action Alerts, look up legislators, learn about legislation NSPE is tracking and see how legislators voted on important issues. Visit the Legislative Action Center today and take action

On June 2, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued its long-anticipated proposed rule targeting carbon dioxide emissions from existing power plants. EPA estimates that the new rule would help to reduce power-sector carbon dioxide emissions to approximately 30 percent below 2005 levels by 2030. The EPA’s proposal assigns a specific emissions reduction goal to each state. The rule’s requirements vary significantly among states.

On June 2, NSPE’s members utilized the debut of NSPE’s new Legislative Action Center, now powered by VoterVoice, to send a clear and powerful message to Congress to immediately stabilize the Highway Trust Fund and ensure a long-term solution to prevent insolvency. In less than the first 12 hours, 100 NSPE members answered the call to action and sent an action alert to their Senators and Representatives.

May 8, 2014

On May 8, NSPE’s Government Relations Manager Arielle Eiser participated in a political action committee event with Representative Daniel Lipinski (D-IL). NSPE’s top legislative issues were discussed, including STEM education and infrastructure. As an engineer in Congress, Representative Lipinski has worked diligently to strengthen the American engineering workforce. The Congressman has been the primary sponsor of the annual National Engineers Week resolution for a decade.

Also on May 8, NSPE’s Government Relations Manager Arielle Eiser participated in a political action committee event with Transportation and Infrastructure Chairman Bill Shuster (R-PA). NSPE’s top legislative issues were discussed, including final passage of the Water Resources Reform Development, which would authorize projects for the Army Corps of Engineers, as well as the pending reauthorization of the nation’s comprehensive surface transportation law.

March 19, 2014

The National Society of Professional Engineers has urged Senator Mark Pryor (D-AR) to reconsider his bill S. 496, the Farmers Undertake Environmental Land Stewardship (FUELS) Act. The FUELS Act would substantially weaken the current EPA Spill, Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) rule, placing the public and the farmers it seeks to protect at increased risk of devastating oil spills.
