Championing a Future-Ready Workforce

Winter 2024

NSPE Now: Policy Perspectives
Championing a Future-Ready Workforce


In response to a critical skills gap within science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields, NSPE has taken a leading role in advocating for the bipartisan and bicameral Freedom to Invest in Tomorrow’s Workforce Act (H.R. 1477 / S. 722). This piece of federal legislation, which in recent months has gained notable traction in Congress in addition to garnering over 110 cosponsors in the House and Senate, aims to reshape career development and workforce preparedness in the US, particularly within STEM and other specialized fields.

Unlocking Opportunities Through the Act

NSPE is committed to advancing STEM education for all students. The stance is clear: students displaying an aptitude for or a keen interest in STEM-related careers should have access to additional educational opportunities, including STEM courses and valuable engineering mentoring. It is evident that a comprehensive STEM education is not just vital for individual success, but also critical for the ongoing economic prosperity and national security of the United States.

The Freedom to Invest in Tomorrow’s Workforce Act seeks to enhance the accessibility and affordability of education and career development. It does so by expanding the utilization of 529 savings plans for a wider array of purposes, such as postsecondary skills training, credentialing programs, and nongovernmental certifications. This expansion is designed to tackle the prominent workforce shortages and broader issues associated with them. These challenges jeopardize the public’s well-being and safety, America’s competitive advantage, and long-term economic strength, to name a few.

The advocacy for the Freedom to Invest in Tomorrow’s Workforce Act by NSPE and its members signifies a noteworthy chapter in the ongoing pursuit of addressing the nation’s workforce challenges. And the Act itself represents a crucial step in supporting the continuous growth and development of professionals in STEM and other specialized fields.

Enhancing Career Development Through Legislative Action

Navigating the complexities of Congress underscores the importance of attaching proposals to broader legislative initiatives for an increased likelihood of passage. In today’s legislative environment, this approach is indispensable. And as a result, NSPE strategically advocated for the Freedom to Invest in Tomorrow’s Workforce Act to join with the Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act of 2024 (H.R. 7024), a bill intended to promote financial security for working families, increase American competitiveness, and advance efforts to expand affordable housing.

As part of this initiative, NSPE’s grassroots campaign quickly mobilized its members, accumulating significant support for the Act. This collective endeavor underscores the commitment of professional engineers across the nation to nurturing a highly skilled workforce capable of addressing the shortages in STEM.

It is important, however, to acknowledge the challenges faced in integrating the Act as an amendment to the tax legislation. Despite NSPE’s strong call to action, as well as the robust support from key figures, including Chair Jason Smith and 13 other members of the House Ways & Means Committee, the Act was not ultimately integrated as an amendment to the tax legislation, H.R. 7024. Concerns about potentially disrupting a fragile bipartisan compromise with the Senate on the tax package influenced the decision to move forward with the bill without amendments. Nevertheless, given the prevailing political environment and the similarities between both bills, this course of action was considered the most practical choice.

With the House facing obstacles, attention has now shifted to the Senate, where the Act may find more favorable prospects. This strategic shift emphasizes the significance of advocacy and the crucial role of informed and persistent engagement in shaping policy outcomes.

Looking Ahead to the Ongoing Journey

While NSPE’s grassroots campaign focusing on the Freedom to Invest in Tomorrow’s Workforce Act has already unfolded, the journey toward legislative success continues with more opportunities for member-driven advocacy engagement on the horizon. The enduring support for the Act from NSPE members and allies underscores the ongoing effort to secure the bill’s passage, regardless of the pathway it takes – be it through the tax package in the Senate or a future congressional bill.

NSPE maintains its commitment to fostering partnerships, bridging political divides, and advocating for a highly skilled workforce in STEM and specialized fields. This highlights the significant need for a well-prepared workforce that contributes to our nation’s economy, security, and overall public welfare. Despite potential challenges on the path to enacting the Freedom to Invest in Tomorrow’s Workforce Act, NSPE remains dedicated to shaping policy, empowering STEM professionals, and creating opportunities for the next generation of professional engineers, drawing upon the collective expertise and passion of its members.

Advocacy Tools Available

NSPE has created several advocacy and outreach tools for promoting professional engineers and the issues of importance to PEs and the engineering profession. The tools address emerging technologies, ethics, government, licensure, professional licensure, and outreach. The tools can be accessed in the advocacy section of the NSPE website.